
Friday, January 18, 2008

Children of mothers who ate more fish and other seafood while pregnant are smarter and have better developmental skills

By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Children of mothers who ate more fish and other seafood while pregnant are smarter and have better developmental skills than kids of women who ate less or none, researchers said on Thursday in findings they called surprising.

The study, sure to be controversial, sought to assess whether it is wise, as some experts and the U.S. government have recommended, for pregnant women to limit their seafood intake to avoid mercury, a toxin that can harm the nervous system of developing foetuses.

Dr. Joseph Hibbeln, a U.S. National Institutes of Health researcher who led the study in The Lancet medical journal, said seafood is a key source of omega-3 fatty acids, important for fetal brain development.

The researchers said limiting pregnant women's weekly intake to 340 grams (12 ounces) of fish and seafood, as advised by the U.S. government, did not protect their children from developmental problems. Women who avoid seafood, they said, may actually be harming their babies by depriving them of essential nutrients needed for the developing fetal brain.

"It was very surprising," Hibbeln said in a telephone interview. "We did not expect such clear-cut results of the harm of low seafood consumption." The study looked at the children of more than 8,000 British women tracked by the University of Bristol to determine how kids fared if their mothers ate more than 12 ounces -- about two average meals.

These children, compared to those whose mothers ate lesser amounts, were more advanced in developmental tests measuring fine motor, communication and social skills as toddlers, behaved better at age 7, and earned higher verbal IQ scores at age 8, the study found. The differences were striking when looking at kids whose mothers ate no seafood. They were 48 percent more likely to have a relatively low verbal IQ score at age 8 compared to children whose mothers ate the higher amount of seafood


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Foreign Office to court youth on YouTube

The Foreign Office is to launch a public relations offensive in the
spring targeted at British and foreign youth, with the help of a
redesigned website and its own YouTube video channel.

The Foreign
Office channel has been functioning experimentally since September,
broadcasting the off-the-cuff thoughts of the foreign secretary, David
Miliband, observations from ambassadors and junior staffers alike and
vivid travel advisories for would-be tourists. But in the next few
months Britain's diplomats will follow in the steps of Buckingham
Palace, devoting cash and staff to making YouTube central to its effort
to court a younger audience at home and abroad.

"We're basically relaunching the website in March-April," a Foreign
Office spokesman said. "There will be a total revamp of the web
presence and that includes a presence on YouTube because of the
particular segment of the market YouTube is targeted at, the 18-25s."

Unlike the Royal Channel, the new Foreign Office presence on YouTube, Foreign Office presence on YouTube,
will not show past ceremonial highlights. It will focus on making
British diplomats appear more modern and approachable. In one of his
video blogs, Miliband said he hoped the initiative would open up the
"secret garden of diplomacy" to the public.

Some of the effort
will be aimed at Arab and Iranian youth in the hope of undoing some of
the damage to Britain's reputation in the Islamic world done by the
Iraq war. But a lot of the material will be aimed at Britons planning
holidays, as part of a Know Before You Go campaign, after a report last
year found record numbers were arrested or hospitalised during drinking
binges abroad.

Via Gurdian

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Obama: Docs Know Best On Medical Marijuana

Is America unofficially a theocracy? Where do you stand on medical
marijuana? What are your views on warrantless wiretapping? Democratic
hopeful Barack Obama joins Democrat John Edwards and Republican Mike
Huckabee as the third candidate to respond to the
challenge. What did he have to say? Do you think he answered the
questions, or did he dodge and weave? Watch, decide, and vote on Is America unofficially a theocracy? Medical
Marijuana? Warrantless Wiretapping?

Read More

Train Crash in Pakistan today Killed Many Passengers

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan train crash 'kills many'

At least five carriages of a train travelling between Karachi and Lahore came off the rails near the city of Mehrabpur in Sind province overnight.

A policeman at the scene was quoted as saying 50 bodies had been found but there is no official confirmation. Hundreds of people have died in recent years in crashes on Pakistani railways. Correspondents say casualty figures are often so high because trains are packed with far greater numbers than for which they were designed. Signalling faults and poorly maintained tracks are often the cause of the accidents.

More than 130 people were killed when three trains collided near the southern town of Ghotki in July 2005 in the country's worst train disaster for 15 years.

The express train which overturned on Wednesday is said to have been loaded with passengers travelling home for the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha.

Khalid Amin, a senior railway official, told the Associated Press news agency that two relief trains had been dispatched to pick up survivors.

The cause of the crash was not immediately clear.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Sextapes, Sextape, and SexTapes

Pamela Anderson Denies Reality TV Show Reports

Entertainmentwise - London,UK

I'm blessed. So many options. I can't complain. I can be confused."
Looks like we'll just have to make do with the inevitable sex

Sex, guys and measuring-tape

East Anglian Daily Times - Ipswich,England,UK

So he's got three years of sex drive bottled up! "It gets
quite hot, but it's not explicitly hot. You're aware they're
ripping each other's clothes off, ...

Africa: Amy Winehouse - the Best of Our Generation - Washington,USA

... topless on bar counters, and shot a sex tape or two, for
a 'good' cause (proceeds from Paris Hilton's sex tape
were apparently donated to charity). ...

Writer's strike latest hot mess: Pam Anderson and Rick Salomon get ...

Monsters and - Glasgow,UK

By Stone Martindale Dec 13, 2007, 1:30 GMT In a predictable move, E! has
wooed sex tape stars (separate films) and coincidentally newlyweds,
Pamela Anderson ...

The Friday Random Ten+5 is done with you.

By Doug(Doug)

I can't even fathom why anybody would watch something like this; I
mean, say what you will about Paris Hilton having no reason whatsoever
to be famous, but at least she went through the trouble of making a sex tape. Glenn Beck ...

New Heidi Montag Single Leaked Online

By Free Britney

... loss and waste your time with numbingly run-of-the-mill pop
drivel) Perez posted HERE. Oh, and speaking of Perez Hilton, one
thing's for sure - we'd rather listen to Heidi Montag sing than watch
the alleged latest Ray J sex tape ... ...

View R Kelly Sextape

By Kevin(Kevin)

The dancer later pled that to attach adhesive tape was without its assent and was not correctly protected. Two other costumes of sex by girls of underage were arranged and it denied any relationship with one or the other of them, ...

BuzzFeed Updates For 12/12/2007

Jessica Sierra - This American Idol castoff enjoys an easy 15-minutes of fame with a new sex tape. Sex Tape of Troubled Former 'American Idol' Jessica Sierra to be Released. Look Movie - A movie filmed from the point of view of the ...


By Michael

Tim Worstall has the goods on that NASA sex tape. *
Scott thinks -- no, knows -- that there can be such a thing as too much
healthy living. * Does Israel have a say in determining America's
foreign policy? If you read the NYTimes it can ...

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Woman awarded judgment in sex tape case

By Edith Brady-Lunny

BLOOMINGTON -- A McLean County judge approved a default judgment Monday against two men sued by a woman over a sexually explicit video she claims was made without her consent.

A confidential agreement also has been reached with a third man accused of participating in the October 2004 incident, said Mark Johnson, the woman’s attorney.

A Dec. 20 hearing is scheduled to determine the amount of damages the woman is entitled to receive.

The Pantagraph has not identified the woman’s identity in criminal and civil proceedings connected to the accusations because she is the victim of an alleged sex crime.

Named in the civil lawsuit filed in April are Thomas Robert Hawkins, Jeff Young and Kenneth McCoy. Hawkins and Young were acquitted in March of criminal sexual assault and eavesdropping charges related to the woman’s complaint. Young is the woman’s former boyfriend.

Criminal charges were not filed against McCoy.

Johnson said Hawkins and Young, who are serving prison terms on matters unrelated to the civil case, did not offer a defense in the civil matter, which sought more than $50,000 from each defendant.

Young, 45, was sentenced to a total of 28 years in prison in September for assaulting and videotaping another woman and selling cocaine. Hawkins, 35, is serving a 12-year term for sexually assaulting three minors.

In testimony at the trial for Hawkins and Young, the alleged victim said she found a video in April 2005 made by Young. He admitted to having another tape that she later saw and turned over to police.

The woman contends she was heavily intoxicated and has no memory of the events that occurred at Young’s home. She admitted that she and Young had consensual sex earlier in the evening but she was unaware that Hawkins switched places with Young at some point.

The civil action alleges the three men caused the woman extreme anguish, embarrassment and mental suffering. VIA pantagraph

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McLean County judge agrees to a default judgment in sex tape case

A former McLean County woman has left the community, her job, and her friends because she claims she was sexually assaulted and secretly videotaped. She says she feels validated by a judge's ruling Monday. McLean County Judge Jim Souk agreed to a default judgment against 45-year-old Jeff Young and 35-year-old Thomas Hawkins. The woman has settled her claims against Kenneth McCoy, a third man she accused in the lawsuit, of secretly videotaping her while Hawkins and Young sexually assaulted her. The woman, who WJBC chose not to identify, believes she was drugged because she had no memory of the events until she found a videotape of what happened to her. Hawkins and Young were cleared of sexual assault and eavesdropping charges. The victim says the lawsuit was her only way to get justice.

Judge Souk will decide next month how much money to award her. Young was sentenced in September to 28 years for sexually assaulting and videotaping another woman and selling cocaine. Hawkins is serving 12 years for sexually assaulting three children. VIA