
Sunday, May 6, 2007

Indonesia's media goes blogging - Toekang IT - Blogs - CNET Asia

By Budi Putra

Indonesia's respected and influential media, Tempo, launched its blog section in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) recently. Tempo news magazine, which also publishes the daily Koran Tempo, is the first mainstream media (MSM) in the country to venture into the blogosphere.

Intended as part of its online version Tempo Interactive, some of its active bloggers who already run their personal blogs as well as other editors and journalists will blog here covering general topics.

Blog Tempo Interaktif

Powered by WordPress, Blog Tempo Interaktif uses a Blue Zinfandel 2.0 theme created by Brian Gardner.

For the time being, another Indonesian influential media, the daily Kompas, already has a blog feature for its reader community. Everyone can simply submit their blog adresses to this site.

Personally, I hope Kompas will launch a Weblog for its editors and journalists, too.

Kompas Community Blogs

I have become more convinced that other countries' mainstream media will follow suit.

My colleague Unspun wrote in his blog:
Congrats to Tempo. This is one paper that demonstrates that it realizes what's going on out there and how blogging is going to change the way most of us--journalists, PR consultants, businesses and others--communicate in the future.

...The Jakarta Post is apparently contemplating an interactive strategy but given how conservative the decision makers are there, they probably still think that the Spinning Jenny is a cutting-edge innovation.

How about the others? Yes. It's the way to go! Maverick Indonesia informed us:

I've also been told that Bisnis Indonesia is considering launching a blog. They're still in the preliminary stage of determining the concept though. Just a thought... Something like what The Age has done is pretty neat.

It's nice to know that Indonesia has been one of the fastest-growing blogospheres in the region.

And now the media has finally accomplished it. Moreover, Indonesia's press freedom would be a significant push on how the media plays a key role in the country's blogosphere.

Disclosure: I am currently writing for the daily Koran Tempo and Tempo magazine as well as blogging in the Blog Tempo Interaktif.

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