
Sunday, May 6, 2007

Indonesia's island names are sold out? - Toekang IT - Blogs - CNET Asia

It's quite interesting to discover that some Indonesian island names are picked up as favorite technology-related brands.

After Java--where Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, is located--was picked-up as the Sun's platform technology. I was just surprised to find that Sumatra, another big island in the country, was also used as a technology-related product: Sumatra PDF.

Sumatra PDF 0.6

I just discovered it when I walked across the blogosphere:
What is Sumatra PDF?Sumatra PDF is a slim, free, open-source PDF viewer for Windows.Why another PDF reader?
Sumatra has a minimalistic design. Simplicity has a higher priority than a lot of features.

According to Wikipedia, Sumatra (also spelled Sumatera)--where I was born more than 30 years ago--is the sixth-largest island in the world (approximately 470,000 sq km) and is the largest island in the entire Indonesia (two larger islands, Borneo and New Guinea, are partially in Indonesia).

So, how about the other island names such as Kalimantan (a.k.a. Borneo), Sulawesi (a.k.a. Celebes), Papua? Anybody else interested to pick them up? Better hurry up!

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